Post your official matchday results from a PC on the following tool (mobile will not work). Clic on your division to open the tool.
Follow the short tutorial bellow to get familiar with the tool.
At the end of each official game, DON'T FORGET to take a quick SCREENSHOT of your engame PLAYER NOTES.
This will help you with player notes posting.
If you are captain of a participating team and you don't have access, you need to have sent us your email.
Several captains can be loged-in the sheet at the same time. If it happens, please wait until the person before is finished.
When you decide to "Send results" you will not be able to edit results anymore. Inform admins in case of any mistakes.
If you see only 1 result is actualized in leaderboard after you posted, it's normal. For full game results to be published, both team captains need to have filled-in result sheet (as a verification system).