• Post your official matchday results from a PC on the following tool (mobile will not work).

  • Follow the short tutorial bellow to get familiar with the tool.


  • At the end of each official game, DON'T FORGET to take a quick SCREENSHOT of your engame PLAYER NOTES.
    This will help you with player notes posting.

  • If you are captain of a participating team and you don't have access, you need to have sent us your email.

  • Several captains can be loged-in the sheet at the same time. If it happens, please wait until the person before is finished.

  • When you decide to "Send results" you will not be able to edit results anymore. Inform admins in case of any mistakes.

  • If you see only 1 result is actualized in leaderboard after you posted, it's normal. For full game results to be published, both team captains need to have filled-in result sheet (as a verification system).